I'll get back to you guys on writing something, it is after all, my birthday. (= So the husband and I are going to sit down, eat some spaghetti and watch The Incredible Hulk as well as Wall-E. Oh and end with some pumpkin pie. Yum!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
17 wks!
I'll get back to you guys on writing something, it is after all, my birthday. (= So the husband and I are going to sit down, eat some spaghetti and watch The Incredible Hulk as well as Wall-E. Oh and end with some pumpkin pie. Yum!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
15 wks!
I am now almost 16 wks but this picture was taken a few days ago. Just thought I'd give an update. It's confirmed to be a Boy! No names picked out yet, so for now I refer to him as Pickle. (= Don't know why.. It's just what I call him.
It was amazing to see him on the ultra sound last Thursday. It made it that much more real to see him moving around inside me. They recorded the whole thing on a VHS. I was shocked, I mean, VHS?? Who has a VCR now days? One of these days I'll have to get it transferred to a DVD. I only got 3 pictures and two 30 second videos on DVD. Arg!
My headaches have gotten increasingly worse since I got pregnant. I went the ER last night to get a Dimeral shot to subside some of the pain from a 4 day headache. So today I went to the clinic and got some headache meds. Tylenol is just not strong enough for me. Never has been. I'm glad to feel normal again and be pain free. WooHoo!
We're still waiting on word from our landlord to see if we can get a dog. He said we couldn't get a big dog, so I had Bryan ask if we could get a small dog. I told him to use the excuse that when Bryan gets underway for a month or two at a time I'd like to have some company so I'm not here by myself all day everyday. Snakes just don't do it as far as keeping me company. Rosy's cool, but not to sleep with me at night, lol. He said he would have to ask the wife. He's not yet gotten back to us. He said he would be back to do more work on the house in a couple days, but that always means a couple of weeks. I won't feel to terribly somber if he says no because we're moving into Coast Guard Housing next June. We can have any kind of animal we want when we move there. Yes Bryan and I decided in the long run that it would be cheaper all around to live in housing. As it is, we don't have enough space. Especially not with a baby on the way. If we were to move to another place that had more space and a washer and dryer, assuming we could find one, it would be close to $1,500 a month. We only pay $900 a month now. But that accompanied with the $315 a month we spend on our propane heat and the electric bill... it starts adding up. It would be cheaper ultimately to have a 3 bedroom house in housing than try to find one elsewhere and have to pay for heat as well. Heat is rediculous here. Everything is either propane or fuel. Electricity is so much cheaper.
So that's all that's news for now in the Sauerman household. Below are pictures of Baby Pickle at 14 wks 4 days. Just so you know, they spelled my first and last name wrong but there's nothing I could do about it once they had already done the ultra sound. The first picture reminds me of Dr. Evil, lol. The second one I think is cute cause he's got his hands to his mouth. For some reason he looks kinda lumpy in the second picture. Very strange, and not something you tend to see on a 2D ultra sound. Don't ask me, I'm not a doctor. (=
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