I know I haven't written in a while and I have only one excuse... I've tried to stay busy. (= It helps that we have a social life now. I can't express how great it feels to have close friends here in town. It's hard to find people you can trust and be around non-stop.
So now about Baby Pickle. We had an ultra sound done last week and everything looks great. It's amazing how clear 4D Ultra Sounds are. Pickle looks so much like Bryan. From the hair line to his nose and lips. We found out that he's breech so we'll have to go in on March 12th, when I'm 33 weeks, to see if he's turned. If not, they wanted to send me up to Anchorage to have a procedure done to try to turn him. They informed me of the risks and I immediately informed them that I would rather have a C-Section rather than have a risky procedure done. As you can see, when they did the Ultra Sound one of his legs was up by his head, the other leg that cannot be seen is down close to my cervix. He was doing the splits.
They couldn't confirm or deny that it was a boy this time because of the position he is in but we still feel confident with the gender. Hopefully we'll see at 33 weeks, but if not, it will be somewhat of a surprise to us all. (0=