As I write this, my husband is walking a crib that was given to us and that I've taken apart to the side of the house to put in storage. His parents are coming this weekend and we need all the room we can get. As it is, his Bow flex takes up most of what will be the babies room. I had to take apart the crib because my aunt is going to be sending us one that has been in the family for a while. We might be moving just a few months after the baby is born anyway so I figure there's no point in putting up a crib when the baby will be in a bassinet for a while after it gets home.
I go to the doctor to have my first ultra sound on Nov. 6Th. You might be thinking that it's a little early. Not only do we hope to see what the sex of the baby is, but we also want to make sure we'll only be having one. A week ago I was informed that twins run in my family. Nice! Thanks for the heads up guys. My aunt says she had a dream about me while she was under anesthesia getting her appendix taken out. Says that someone in our family that is on the "other side" told her I was going to have twins. Little creepy, I guess everyone has their beliefs. I don't want her to be wrong.. or right for that matter. Makes me nervous though. I'm counting down the days now.
For the past couple of weeks I haven't done much but sit around. Who am I kidding, since we moved here I haven't done much but sit around. LoL. There is nothing to do here. No clothing stores, nothing that even resembles a Wal-Mart. We do have a Safeway, but that doesn't do much for bargain shopping. We have a little Conference Center that plays a different theater movie every 6 months, but only one at a time. Yippee! So I recently decided to start going to the gym. I say gym but it's essentially just a little workout room in Coast Guard Housing. It's a nice workout room though. I'm walking on the treadmill for about a half hour, a mile and a half. Sometimes at a 5-6% incline. And I do a little arm and leg weight lifting. Nothing too strenuous. It's better than sitting around all day, watching TV, wasting away at the kitchen table on the computer. (= I do love my Internet though. Hell, MySpace is how I keep up with my friends who I miss so much and live so far away. Entirely my own fault of course. I wish I had friends around to share this experience with more personally. My friend Michelle especially. And my mom. My mom is someone I miss completely. I miss going to pick up my husband from work and being able to go to lunch with her before he got off or just sitting with her at her desk. It was awesome having her work right across from his ship. I really wish we would have chosen to stay in the Bay Area. Again, my own fault. But I guess you have to go through things by yourself at some time or another. I just wish it wasn't for three years. Until 2011 I'm separated from almost everyone I love. I say almost because obviously I'm here living with my husband. (=
Why did I get pregnant now? For almost a year we didn't get pregnant. I had actually given up all thoughts on being able to get pregnant. Don't get me wrong, we didn't by any means plan this, but we weren't preventing it in any way either. I was one of those people who would have had to plan ahead and mark the time and day on a calendar for it to happen. We just happened to in a sense "get lucky". I remember when I first had the notion that I was pregnant. I was late by a couple of days, which had happened before so I didn't think too much about it. When I was about 5 days overdue for mother nature to visit I brought it up to my husband... over the phone. Why over the phone you ask? Because he was underway on a military island called Attu. The last island in the Alutien chain. He said he wanted me to go get a test the next day, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stop worrying about it and said he wanted me to call him when I was doing the test. I said okay. So here I am, the next day, phone in hand, peeing on a stick, lol, and waiting.......... Didn't take but about 10 seconds till that sucker turned up positive. Whoa... no way. I started crying... I remember being completely freaked out. Bryan was MORE freaked out. Guys have a completely different way of reacting to things than women. His first thought is, "WHAT? Now every thing's going to change. No more buying things for just for fun. Now we can't get that ATV I was thinking about getting". Ha, that's one way to look at it. He's 27 and this is his first child, unplanned, so needless to say it took a few days for it to sink in, for him to start appreciating that having a child was not the end of the world. He came around though. I knew he would. Had me worried till i got reassurance from my mom that guys don't react the same way we do.. LoL, understatement of the year. We can afford a child, we're both old enough, and we have more than enough family behind us on this. His parents.. this will be their first grand child! *big grin* My mom has 3 grandchildren, none of which she gets to see, so this is almost like her first, even though this baby won't be able to take that position. (= My Aunt Leslie, her husband and three children, and my Grannie will be nothing less than enormous supporters of this child. All this said, this baby will lack for nothing. I went to the doctor the next day to get tested and yep, we were going to have a baby. I was 6 weeks that day, or so they estimate. We'll see. (=
We've decided on a girls name, Alexis Claire. Claire is Bryan's baby sister's name. She's 19 and I just love her name. So I decided fairly early that her name would be the middle name if it was to be a girl Bump. Alexis is a name that Bryan and I love. As for a boy name, haven't thought of one. It's not been as easy coming up with a boys name. We're taking suggestions. (= Unless it's one like my mom gave, Martin Luther Sauerman... LOL! Only serious names need mentioned here.
As for cravings, cereal, and bacon. Ha, not together though. I've always been a big fan of cereal, but since I acquired my Bump I like it even more. As for bacon, omg, the smell of bacon makes me salivate. Ha ha, seriously. I could eat it every day I think. Ugh, one thing I hate, when Bryan makes anything with Tuna in it. ACK! Talk about one of the strongest smells in the world.
Just so everyone knows... I've never gotten morning sickness. for the first 11 wks or so I would feel sick but never threw up. Yay me! According to the American Pregnancy Association this is what's happening to my baby this week: Bump is about 3 1/2 inches long, and weighs about 1 and a quarter ounces. It has unique fingerprints and the kidney and urinary tract are completely functional which allows the amniotic fluid Bump has been swallowing to be excreted. Covering your baby’s skin is a fine, soft hair called lanugo.
1 comment:
Kaylee! I'm sorry I didn't see your blog sooner, I'm adding you to my list of friends now. You look beautiful and it's great to catch up with you here. Huge kudos for staying healthy and getting exercise throughout the pregnancy, you're doing great girl!
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